
Standard Specifications

  1. Engineering Services
Engineering Services

Engineering Services

161 N Ross St

Alison Frazier, P.E., CFM

Alison Frazier, P.E., CFM

Engineering Services Director / City Engineer

Standard Specifications and Details

The Standard Specifications and Details are developed and maintained by the Engineering Services Department of the City of Auburn, Alabama.

The links and information below allow you to access, review, and/or download current Standard Specifications and Details to keep informed of impending changes.

What is a Standard?

A "standard" is a document that establishes uniform engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, practices, and methods that have been adopted as standard, including requirements for selection, application, and design criteria of an item.

The Standard Specifications and Details incorporate state and local construction codes, lessons learned from past experiences, best practices, and industry guidelines.

Notification of revisions or updates will be posted on this web page. Upon approval by the City Engineer, the revisions will be properly edited and reprinted. Minor revisions may be issued by reprinting select pages. It will be the responsibility of the holder of this volume to maintain their up-to-date copies of the Standard Specifications by inserting the revisions according to the accompanying instructions.

Standard Specifications

Standard Details