Classes and Programs
Dean Road Rec Center
307 S Dean Rd
Therapeutic Programs include Bingo and Fitness, TR Game Night, Mystery Trips, and more. Watch for programs in the quarterly brochures. If you have program ideas or would like to host a program/rent a space at Dean Road Recreation Center, please contact Elizabeth Kaufman. Our programs are listed in the monthly Therapeutic Newsletter, which you can subscribe to. Currently listed are our upcoming winter programs. Registration for all TR programs is now online. Register at
Therapeutic Program Guidelines
Parent Guidelines
- Respond to a call or text from TR Staff within 10 minutes.
- Pick up within 30 minutes if participant becomes ill or is having behaviors.
- Must provide an emergency contact who can follow these guidelines if you are out of town.
- Always walk participants into the building and find a staff person before leaving. Sometimes we have updates or questions, or people have not registered, and then we do not have an emergency contact and this is not acceptable. Please ensure you are dropping off your loved one with a staff person and checking in before leaving.
- Five minutes after the end time of the program is the latest you can pick your participant up. If a program ends at 7pm, please pick up by 7:05pm. If you are late picking your participant up there will be a $1 per minute fee, payable to City of Auburn.
- We cannot give medications! If your participant will need medication during a program they must be able to administer this independently, or you can come and administer it to them.
Participant Guidelines
- Must require minimal restroom assistance and have little to no accidents.
- Participants must not be a danger to self or others - no hitting or harm of any type will be allowed at programs.
- Participants must be able to stay with the group and not elope.
- Participants must not put non-edible items in their mouths.
- Participants must be able to follow directions and be respectful of staff leadership/rules.
- If your participant requires a 1:1 assistant you must register at least 1 week in advance to allow time for adequate staffing.
- Please remind staff at drop off EVERY PROGRAM if your participant has allergies or medical conditions!
- All program participants must have established social maturity to the degree that he or she is able to interact appropriately with program participants.
- If a participant is having any behavioral issues, these need to be discussed with Elizabeth prior to program registration, along with documentation of the preferred means of disciplinary action should the need for discipline arise during a program.
- All participants requiring a specific diet (for any reason) must be shared up-front with Elizabeth, in writing.
- All participants with medical issues (including, but not limited to seizures and heat sensitivity) must be shared up-front with Elizabeth, in writing.
- All participants must be able to be responsible for their personal items during all TR Programs.
Fall TR Programs
TR Programs are listed on pages 24-25 of the fall brochure, linked here:
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